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MUFB Finance Solutions for Flats Below 30sqm in Size

multi-tenant building

Are you finding it difficult to get the finance in place on a Multi-Unit Block of Flats containing individual units smaller than 30 sqmThis could be for a potential purchase or even on a remortgage of a block that you already own! 

For many lenders in the market, there is not much of an appetite to lend on these types of assets. The level of expertise required to be able to find a solution is far greater than the knowledge needed to place a deal for a simple MUBF (Multi-Unit Block of Flats).

MUFB smaller than 30 sqm

There are a few key factors that the lenders will want to consider when a unit is smaller than 30 sqm (about the area of a parking space) including: 

  • Location
  • Property value
  • Property condition
  • Size of other flats also within the block

How we can help you

Fortunately, here at Advocate Finance we are specialist advisers. We will find you the solution to best suit your individual situationWe have direct access to a panel of lenders that can assist on MUFB including units that are below the standard minimum size of 30 sq. meters.  

Often it can be the case that an investor may own a multi-unit block of flats consisting of 6 units but 2 of these are smaller than 30 sqm. 

There are also potential added complications such as the block being above a commercial unit, or each unit not having separate access to its own utilities, etc. Again, finding you a solution to these types of scenarios is not an issue for us. We have access to a range of products that will best suit your needs.  

If you find yourself in this situation with one of your own properties or with a property you would like to purchase, then please get in touch to see how we can help. The knowledge we have on this area allows us to find you a solution when no one else can. It is more important than ever to seek the advice of an adviser who specilalises in this market.

Get in Touch with Us Today

We provide a FREE assessment on all our services. Please contact me directly for more information or use the Get in Touch With Us Today feature at the bottom of this page.

Picture of Henry Barley

Henry Barley

Senior Property Finance Adviser | | 01206 544333
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Picture of Henry Barley

Henry Barley

Senior Property Finance Adviser | | 01206 544333